Wednesday, September 4, 2013


The idea behind Live fashion come from my passion for wanting to help people out. I have work in the club scene for almost 15 years in one way or another so I have run into many fashion emergencies. One of my biggest pet eves is when a group of ladies go out in a group and there is always that one lady that didn’t bring an extra outfit for the night. So I sometime that them backstage if I have time and help them freshen up there look to help them feel more comfortable with their group. “Many brands may succeed in communicating to an audience, but fail to engage. Engagement happens by identifying and exploiting the magic in a brand: the insight or idea that connects to the audience. It can be an intuitive process and requires a mix of strategic business thinking and creative ideas. The thinking and creative process must never stop.” Davis, M., and Baldwin, J. (2006). More Than a Name: An Introduction to Branding. AVA Publishing   pg, 30   With my Live brand it is my passion to help people feel better about themselves and the ones that have that already want to help others. Live has always been my brand name that I have wanted even before I knew what exactly it is I wanted to do and as I am still trying to figure that out. I want to ask the customer as they walk out, But do u Live! Many people view branding as simply creating an identity for a company composed of a logo, a name and an identifiable style. Yet branding is much more than this. It encompasses both the visual and tangible elements of the brand, as well as the emotional and intangible pieces that create a connection between the brand and the consumer. This makes branding an exciting area to work in for the graphic designer, whose role is to translate and communicate ideas into reality. Davis, M., and Baldwin, J. (2006). More Than a Name: An Introduction to Branding. AVA Publishing   pg. 13

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